Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dancing Again

Due to popular demand, here is another video of Kya dancing. Look at "T" in the background too. It's all pretty entertaining. Sorry for the shaking...I really couldn't control my laughter.


At 1:30 AM , Blogger Sunny said...

Hilarious! I can't wait to see 3 year old Kya in December :) Any chance you guys want to come to Stockholm and help me celebrate my B-day?

At 9:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg. if i wanted kids, i'd want one just like her.

At 11:06 PM , Blogger Jennie said...

yeah dude, when the team gets here, we'll celebrate!

At 12:05 AM , Blogger Sunny said...

Okay....sooo...I want to know and the Dutch girls want to know... Vickie, who are you???


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